Filters testing wastewater for radiation being rejected at landfills -
Sunday, February 5, 2012
BISMARCK, N.D. — Oilfield wastewater filters from oil wells that test positive for low-level radiation are being rejected at municipal landfills in the oil patch, according to the Bismarck Tribune.
Williston landfill operator Brad Septka said 23 oilfield loads, which include the filters as well as empty bags used to haul fracture treatment sand, set off the landfill’s Geiger counter, stated the article.
“The waste generator can either take it and have it analyzed, or he can send it out of state,” said Scott Radig, who manages the state's solid waste program.
Radig went on to say the radioactivity was two times the normal background for radiation, noted the article.
Only one New Jersey waterway passed water tests. -
Sunday, February 5, 2012
SUSSEX COUNTY, N.J. — After spending billions of dollars over the past four decades to improve New Jersey waterways, only one passed a recent set of water tests, according to the Asbury Park Press.
The brook is in a remote location away from development and polluted runoff, and it is the only place in the state that is safe to swim in, drink from and eat fish from without restrictions, stated the article.
“I think that truly is shocking,” said Louise Usechak of Shrewsbury, president of and natural resources chair with the Monmouth County League of Women Voters. “I knew we weren’t in great shape. It truly is a wake-up call.”